Home: Maucher Jenkins

Intellectual Property


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Legal Notices

European Patent Attorneys | Chartered Patent Attorneys | German Patent Attorneys | Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys | Attorneys-at-Law | IP Litigators

Maucher Jenkins is the joint trading name of R G C Jenkins & Co a UK firm (regulated by IPReg) and Maucher Jenkins Patentanwälte & Rechtsanwälte a German firm. R G C Jenkins & Co wholly owns Maucher Jenkins Patentanwälte & Rechtsanwälte, together with Jenkins IP Consulting (Beijing) Co Ltd in China.




The information on this website has been prepared for guidance only and does not constitute legal advice. It is provided as information about Maucher Jenkins and as a general summary of intellectual property related law. No responsibility can be accepted by the firm for any loss, errors, omissions or consequences that may arise from information contained on this website. Advice should be sought from an attorney for specific matters.


All rights to the content published on this site are reserved. It may only be copied for personal use and not commercially distributed electronically or in any other form for commercial gain.


Regulatory and Codes of Conduct


Maucher Jenkins in the UK is regulated by IPReg.

All our UK attorneys are members of either the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) or The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA).


Our German patent attorneys are members of the Patentanwaltskammer and subject to the rules of the Patentanwaltsordnung and Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte (Mitteilungen der Deutschen Patentanwälte 1997, 243 ff).


Our European patent attorneys are members of the European Patent Institute (epi) and subject to the epi code of conduct.


Our patent attorneys who are members of the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI) are subject to the FICPI code of conduct.


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